be eager for

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be eager for

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:52:25

英 [bi: ˈi:ɡə fɔ:]

美 [bi ˈiɡɚ fɔr]

be eager for基本解释

想得到; 渴望


  • 网络解释

1. 渴望:be convenient for 对......方便,在......附近 | be eager for 渴望 | be famous for 因......闻名

2. be eager for

2. 渴望, 期盼:be dressed in 穿着 | be eager for 渴望, 期盼 | be envious of 羡慕(或忌妒)

3. 想得到, 盼望:come off duty 下班 | be eager for 想得到,盼望 | economize on 节省

4. 渴看:be divided by被...除 | be eager for渴看 | be engaged in忙于,从事于

  • 临近词
Well, for some reason or other, none of the major New York newspapers seemed to be very eager for my services, and the only place I could find an opening was on The Wall Street Journal.(不过,由于种种原因,纽约的大报社没有一家看起来对雇用我有什么兴趣,唯一对我敞开大门的就是华尔街日报。)
I knew I was longing for the colorful university life and are eager to one day be able to go into this with a drawing board by such a rich cultural heritage institutions.(我知道自己是在向往这多姿多彩的大学生活,渴望自己能有一天带着画板走进这所人文底蕴如此丰厚的学府。)
He was glad to be cycling again, eager for the physical workout and the mental release.(他很乐意再一起骑车,可以让身体舒展并让精神得到放松。)
When the markets rebound from their current malaise, Banks and brokers will be eager to capitalise on the return of the world's appetite for risk.(如果市场从目前的萎靡状态反弹,银行和经纪公司将热衷于利用全球风险兴趣回升的特点。)
Torrestrike partner and the top scorer at Euro 2008 has just completed a big-money move to Barcelona and will be eager to show the world why they forked out so many Euros for his services.(这位托雷斯的锋线队友,2008年欧锦赛的最佳射手已经完成了前往巴塞罗那的天价转会,而且他也已经迫不及待的想证明给世界看他的贡献是配得上俱乐部在自己身上砸的欧元。)
Could we be at peace with where we are now, and, be eager for more?(我们可以在和平与地方,我们现正和,渴望能有更多的呢?)
The above is electronic platform scales comprehensive details, if don't understand, welcome to telephone to the consultation, we will be eager for you to answer!(以上是开关量继电器信号输出电子称的综合详述,如有不解,欢迎来电咨询,我们将热心为您解答!)
Due to popular demand, a writing project will be started for eager beginners.(由于需求旺盛,我们将为积极好学的初学者开设一个写作课题。)
He said that the athletes from around the world had worked very hard for the Games and they were so eager to make breakthrough and won medals, so the competitions wiould be hotly contested.(他说来自世界各地的运动员为了这次比赛都很努力,他们也渴望有所突破获得奖牌,所以竞争会相当激烈。)
Not all industries have bargains, though, and not all sellers will be eager to settle for lower prices.(但并非所有行业都有廉价品,也并非所有卖家都急于用较低的价格出售。)
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